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  • Writer's pictureDustin

New Year New Discoveries

When it comes to starting a new year its easy to find ourselves planning out little new years resolutions that we’ll inevitably break in the coming months. Instead of falling victim to this spiralling trap, why not shift your focus to simple little ways you can better improve your overall life!

The first thing is nutrition. I know I know, you've probably heard it a million times and yes it’s way easier said than done, but changing your diet doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out all the foods you've come to know and love. It just means learning to love them in moderation. Remember, too much of a good thing becomes not so good. Also, I know you may not believe me, but there are TONS of amazing and healthy alternatives to your regular tasty treats. One for example that’s super easy to make is “energy balls”. All you’ll need for this recipe are: 2 ripe bananas, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/2 cup of almond butter or peanut butter, 2 cups of rolled oats, and 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. You can add chocolate chips for taste also, but this step is optional. Then all you have to do is mix it up, roll them into balls, and throw them in the freezer. Simple as that! They’re super high in fibre and a good source of protein, plus the added bananas give you an extra little jolt of energy. Another thing to consider when it comes to your day to day nutrition is to try and avoid eating out. Not only will you save a pretty penny this was but also you have way more control over whats being put in your body. Personalty, I’ve found meal prepping the easiest way to go about this. Just take one day out of your week to plan and prep everything out and bam! Your local subway will never see your face again.

The next thing to consider is physical fitness. Although the best way to go about this is a gym membership and regular weekly trips, I know not many of us exactly have the time in our day for that. This doesn’t mean all hopes of a hot summer bod are gone completely though, there’s tons of quick little 10-15 minute workouts available online through Youtube and various other places completely free! They can range from complete beginner, to advanced, to GOD MODE. The options are limitless! One quick workout that I find works great for me is a 5 minute ab work out by HASfit on youtube. It’s titled “Easy Ab Workout for Beginner” and it involves crunches for 30 seconds, then reverse crunches for 30 seconds, then these awful things called heel taps for 30 seconds (very painful), then bridges for 30 seconds, and lastly a plank for 30 seconds. Then you repeat that one more rep and the workout is complete. I highly recommend looking up their video for the full details, but that one always manages to make my tummy BURN the following day.

Lastly we are going to focus on your mental health. Often times this is the one that can be overlooked, but its important to make sure you take time out of your day to take care of yourself.

Whether this be a nice hot bath, reading a book, or just sitting down and resting, it’s important to reboot your mind and body so that you can successfully concur the day to come. Also forcing yourself to do this can bring unforeseen enlightenment in areas of your life that you would have never expected. For example, a simple thing I like to do is take 5 minutes out of my day to do a simple face mask. Not only am I taking some time to myself but I’m also doing something to better my life. Another thing that works amazing is the art of meditation. Scientific studies have actually found that meditation can help improve your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, promote positive emotional health, and make you a kinder person!

Overall, there are lots of reasons for wanting a change in the new year, but now you’ll be better prepared than ever before and can look forward to a better and brighter you this up and coming 2019.

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