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  • Writer's pictureDustin

Thanksgiving Morning: A Sunday Marathon

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Photo 1 - Man with his Dog

A man and his dog stand idly by on Menzies Street. This Thanksgiving Sunday they decided to watch the Royal Victoria Marathon, a festive event spanning through our beautiful Victoria downtown. It’s funny, the dog seems more interested in the runners than the man. I wonder who he’s texting?

Photo 2 - Friends or Foes

Numbers 6073 and 6748. Two runners, neck in neck. Are they in competition or two friends on a stroll? “SHARE THE ROAD” a sign reminds them, and share they shall. As two magnets tethered by string, they maintain their distance.

Photo 3 - Toolbelt

Mr.Utilitybelt. A man on a mission with all the tools and gadgets one could ever need. Number 4254 adorns himself not only with sporty specks, but also the appropriate COVID19 safety precautions. No that’s not a birthday hat in his hands, but rather a facemask. Our country thanks you for your consideration and sensibility.

Photo 4 - Three Friends

Three friends on a morning stroll. They all walk in line, not one in front of the other. All equals. I wonder where they met; how long have they’ve been friends. What are their stories, and what secrets do they harbour.

Photo 5 - The Lady on the Bench

A woman sits alone stating off into the distance. The sound of crashing waves can be heard in the distance. What she is looking at. What is she thinking about.

Photo 6 - Old Friends and a Plastic Bag

An older couple walks together holding a white plastic bag for of an unknown substance. They are some of the few people wearing a mask this sunny Sunday morning. The plastic bag is full and holds its shape. I imagine it is full of fresh juicy raspberries.

Photo 7 - The Mysterious Traveler

A man plays with an unknown gadget. It looks to be some sort of charger or adapter. From a distance it looks like a little yoyo, or a stopwatch used by a magician. I wonder where this man is traveling to, or if he is traveling anywhere at all. Whatever his journey, he needed two suitcases.

Photo 8 - Training-Wheels

A father and daughter ride their bikes together. The daughter doesn’t have her training wheels, so she grabs her father’s arm for support. As she gains momentum, the tassels of her handlebars flutter in the wind.

Photo 9 - 4800

A woman, deep in thought, runs alone. There is no one beside, in front or behind her. I wonder where she went after her run. Does she have any friends or family to spend the holidays with? She holds a steady pace and doesn’t waiver.

Photo 10 - Little Butters Library

A woman and her dog make a visit to the Little Butters Library. Adorned with books, free to the public, she puts one in for every one she takes out. Her furry friend to her left stares alert into the distance. Alarmed by something, maybe a squirl, they stand on high alert. I wonder who Little Butters is.

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